Sunday, January 28, 2007

Okay Bob.

Favorite moments from INLAND EMPIRE:
1. Hooker gang dance party.
2. Laura Dern--best performance(s) ever. She has more facial tics than Michael J. Fox.
3. Harry Dean Stanton can still light up a screen.
4. "They say I've got a way with animals."
5. Lynch's humor is fast and loose. People like to focus on the perverse and nightmarish elements, but the guy's sense of visual and verbal comedy are just as important to the film's success. This is why the almost humorless Lost Highway is one of his least regarded works.
6. Obsession. The guy knows what haunts him and he's not afraid to go back to it again, and again, and again.

Things I miss:
1. David Lynch has always had an impeccable sense of composition and timing. I miss some of the precise direction of earlier films and I won't pretend that it couldn't use a little editing (the film loses some gas about 2/3 of the way through--still finishes strong).

I noticed my photo link wasn't working. I don't feel like editing it now, so you can find photos here---> X

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